photo d'identitié


Sculptor, and stage director, Vincent Vergone is a multidisciplinary artist, working with image, text and movement in an approach committed to the ecological and social field. After starting very early on a career as a sculptor, he quickly turned to live performance. Asking himself the question of movement in sculpture and the necessity of animating it he has created shows, performances and art installations that blend sculpture, light projection, music and contemporary poetry.

Defending a demanding culture for young audiences he has produced over twenty shows and installations, mixing music, poetry, puppetry and magic lanterns. He has also presented numerous plastic installations, Ombres et regards portés, Micmacrocosme, Le dit de l’arbre, Jardins suspendus, La forêt des songes as well as numerous solo and group exhibitions.

Keen to combat cultural exclusion, he has set up experimental children’s/parents’ cultural centers in the 93 department, Espace libre culture, la Mirabilia, le Laep-Art). In 2008, he was one of the initiators of the Festival Un neuf trois Soleil!

Nature plays a key role in his work, and in 2016 he created the Jardin d’Émerveille in the Parc de la Poudrerie, followed in 2020 by the Maquis d’Émerveille on the Butte Montmartre. With his company, Les demains qui chantent, he defends a culture committed to a relationship with Nature. His pioneering work on the relationship between art, children and nature has led him to take part in many symposia and collaborate on research projects. He has published numerous articles and three books: Libre-jardin d’enfants, Enfants par nature and Journal d’un jardinier de l’enfance.

Seeking a sensitive and profound encounter with the public, and refusing to compromise on the stereotypes of modernity, he has pursued his research into light, which has led him from the magic lantern to animated cinema, with La toupie fantoche, Héliotrope and La cage.

At the same time, he pursued his work as a sculptor in a more intimate way, in an attempt to access depth of soul through an exploration of the face. His sculptures have been presented for over 10 years at Galerie Bréheret, Paris, and since 2020 at Galerie Barbacane in Cordes sur Ciel.

The various facets of his work are linked by the same approach: the search for a poetic relationship with the world. He approaches art as the site of a modern spirituality, the place for profound questioning of our relationship to the world and to existence.